


Declaration by the EAJ-PNV (Basque Nationalist Party) on the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement

Today, 10th April 2023, we are commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, also known as the "Belfast Agreement". An Agreement that was ratified in a referendum with 71.15% of voters in favour in Northern Ireland and with the support of 94.4% of voters in the Republic of Ireland. Today, seen from a certain historical perspective, we can affirm that this Agreement was a success on the long path towards definitive peace in Ireland, despite the periods of institutional deadlocks and sporadic outbreaks of violence recorded in this period of time. Furthermore, many lives have been saved thanks to the Good Friday Agreement and it has also been a real stimulus to economic growth and to the social well-being of the citizens most directly affected. And, even though no two situations are the same, the complex resolution of this conflict has a universal dimension that could also serve as an inspiration when seeking ways to resolve other existing conflicts.



Ortuzar: “EAJ-PNV will bring sanity and common sense to bear in both houses of parliament in regard to the distribution of EU funds”

At the opening of a seminar organised by Sabino Arana Fundazioa to mark the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, the EBB Chair called for those responsible to avoid “electioneering and party-political squabbles” when allocating next-generation funding



EAJ-PNV takes part in Democratic Party Convention which officially names Joe Biden as candidate for US Presidency

The Head of the Exterior Action Area of the Governing Council of the party, Mikel Burzako, took part in the discussion groups at an event staged remotely due to the serious situation arising from Covid-19



North-West Region of Cameroon-Ambazonia

According to the United Nations a massacre occurred in an attack on the village of Ngarbuh, Anglophone region of Cameroon, on 14 February left up to 22 citizens dead, including 14 children.



Statement by the Basque National Party on Turkey‘s military intervention in Western Kurdistan

The invasion and bombing by the Turkish army of the Kurdish region of Rojava in Syria, known as Western Kurdistan, threatens to aggravate the sacrifice that this region has already suffered



Elections for local governments show little change in the Basque Autonomous Community

EAJ-PNV holds 122 town councils. The popular vote and the agreements reached reveal the how highly stability is rated



Ortuzar believes that the Elections of May 26 will give European institutions “greater vitality“ to tackle the enormous challenges facing the EU

The president of the EBB and vice-president the European Democratic Party (EDP) was speaking at the Plenary Session of the Congress of the Christian Democratic Organization of America (CDOA) held in Costa Rica



Clear victory for EAJ-PNV in all three capital cities and all three territories of the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), extended to European elections

EAJ-PNV once again earned the trust of the Basque people and retained the seat held by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica at the European Parliament.



The Basque nationalist leader, the burukide Mikel Burzako, visits Telavi to attend Salomé Zurabishvili‘s inauguration ceremony as Georgia‘ first female president

Through the Georgian Dream Party, which has elected Salomé Zurabishvili to the presidency, Georgia is going to look favourably toward NATO and the European Union. Accordingly, the European Democratic Party, of whose Political Committee the Basque National Party‘s Central Committee burukide Mikel Burzako is a member, and Georgian Dream could have a major role to play over the coming years as go-to political parties providing a bridge for European matters of significance to the country

European Democratic Party Election Manifesto for the 2024 elections
DEMOCRATS - European Democratic Party
Oihane Agirregoitia Martínez - European Parliament
Renew Europe