
Basque Country


The Lehendakari has taken part in the planting of a sapling of the "Ginkgo Biloba (Maidenhead) tree, bearer of hope"

The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has taken part in the planting of a sapling of the "Ginkgo Biloba (Maidenhead) tree, bearer of hope" in Gernika, in a ceremony designed to convey "a strong statement against war and in favour of world peace". The event has been attended by, among other personalities, the Mayor of Gernika, José María Gorroño, and the Mayor of Hiroshima, Kazumi Matsui.

Basque Country


Euskadi-The Basque Country introduces itself in the United Kingdom as the setting for intensive industry and innovative technology

Euskadi provides know-how and value added in the energy sector on the trade mission’s first day in London

Basque Country


El Lehendakari Urkullu expone a Juncker la disposición de Euskadi a participar en la construcción de la Europa del futuro "de abajo a arriba"

El Lehendakari se reúne en Bruselas con el Presidente de la Comisión Europea, Jean-Claude Juncker

Basque Country


Josu Erkoreka appeals to Basque government for “remembrance, condemnation, recognition and commitment” to historical memory on 80th anniversary of Gernika bombing raid

Basque Government Minister for Public Governance and Self-Government and Basque Govt. Spokesperson Josu Erkoreka, Minister for Culture and Language Policy Bingen Zubiria, Minister for Security Estefanía Beltrán de Heredia and GOGORA (Institute for Remembrance, Coexistence and Human Rights) Director Aintzane Ezenarro took part in events to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the devastating bombing raid on Gernika.

Basque Country


Basque Premier calls for “human right to peace” on the planting of an offshoot of the Tree of Gernika in Auschwitz

On the last day of his official trip to Auschwitz, Premier Urkullu took part in the planting of an offshoot of the Tree of Gernika in the park of the Zasole neighbourhood adjacent to the concentration camp. He stated that the planting of this tree symbolised a commitment to peaceful coexistence in the future. In a symbolic act, Mr. Urkullo called on the UN to recognise “peace as a human right”, in response to the voices of warmongers that are being heard on the international stage.

Basque Country


Urkullu attends the opening of a columbarium in Elgoibar to "honour the memory and dignify the example of those who gave their lives in defence of democracy and freedom"

The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, opened the Columbario de la Dignidad (Columbarium of Dignity) which houses the remains of 27 people. This space will serve to "keep and honour their memory and pay tribute to their example" said the Lehendakari, after explaining that many of them "gave their lives in defence of democracy and freedom". The Columbario de la Dignidad is located near the cemetery of Olaso in Elgoibar.

Basque Country


Aquitaine in the Basque Country approve the incorporation of Navarre into the Euro-region

The Aquitaine-Basque Country Euro-Region is to be extended to include the Regional Community of Navarre following a decision reached at its assembly this afternoon. Basque Premier Iñigo Urkullu and Aquitaine president Alain Rousset welcomed Uxue Barkos, President of Navarre, to the organisation. The Basque Premier described the accession of Navarre as a highly important step that revives the spirit of cross-border collaboration. During the meeting the Basque Premier spoke highly of the efforts made over the past year, following the lines set out by the strategic plan approved two years ago as a roadmap up to 2020.

European Democratic Party Election Manifesto for the 2024 elections
DEMOCRATS - European Democratic Party
Oihane Agirregoitia Martínez - European Parliament
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